This scheme aims at providing support in the form of grant-in-aid to for carrying out research studies to identify the existing knowledge gap and to translate the health leads into deliverable products. The scheme will focus on encouraging innovation, their translation and implementation research so that there is a better utilization of available knowledge.

Human Resource Development for Health Research
The scheme is intended to create a pool of talented health research personnel in the country by upgrading skills of faculty of medical colleges, mid-career scientists, medical students etc by specialized training in priority areas of health research in leading national and international institutions.

Model Rural Health Research Units (MRHRUs)
This scheme has been launched based on successful experience of ICMR at Ghatampur (UP). It is a path breaking initiative for transfer of technology for early diagnosis and management of various diseases for the benefit of rural population.

Multi-Disciplinary Research Units (MRUs)
This scheme has been approved to establish 80 Multidisciplinary Research Units (MRUs) in State Govt. Medical Colleges during 12th plan at a cost of Rs. 503.85 crores to create a dedicated infrastructure for research in Government Medical colleges with special focus on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

Establishment of VRDLs
This scheme entails establishment of 10 Regional Level Labs, 25 State Level Labs and 90 Medical College Level Labs in the State Government Medical Colleges for timely diagnosis and management of viral epidemics and new viral infection.